So it begins. We are suddenly racing again. It’s mid March, just 78 days into the year. That’s how much time we’ve had to prepare for this. Has it been enough time? Are you ready to race or are you still planning your first event, not quite ready to get to the line just yet?
In addition to a weekend of training rides (more on that later), Scholars Inn Bakehouse had a great showing at Longrun in Louisville. It was a beautiful day for racing, and Longrunoffered a smooth 1.8 mile loop with a a couple of big ring climbs thrown in, one right at the end.

In one of the earlier events, Scholars Bakehouse new recruit Brian Depasse won the Category 5 event! I spoke with his brother, Kevin (Nuvo) after the event and he couldn’t have been more proud. Apparently this was also Brian’s first race! When I think back on the stories told over the years of pros who won their first ever events, names like Hinault, Lemond, Merckx and Anquetil come to mind. Add Depasse to that list!
In the Masters event, Gary Palmer won the 50 and over division, getting away with a perfectly timed move in the ultimate break of 9 riders just 7 minutes into the melee. I finished 4th and Colin Allen was 7th. In the Cat 3/4 event, Thomas Walsh, Sam Harbison, Phil Sojka and Jon Purvis all rode strong (results pending). I saw several laps of this event and the Bakehouse riders were always well positioned in the group. In the Cat 123 premiere event, RJ Stuart finished an impressive 4th and Graham Dewart was right behind in 5th! So a great effort, and some significant results for our first real team outing across several categories.
Once again, Scholars Inn Bakehouse is on the map.
Next weekend, Lexington, KY is the battleground. Will you be ready? Information here:
I wasn’t able to participate in Saturday’s training ride, but I made it out there for today’s flashers ride. A good group came and we were also the recipients of a visit from teammate, now resident of Colorado, Aaron Pilling. Also, new team member, Lindsay Koren (former Get a Grip) and past winner of Quad Cities and Snake Alley joined us for her 2012 shakedown cruise. Also, Liz Cobb, Lynn Allen, Terry (former Connecticut state champion) were there along with others mentioned below.
The ride started as usual from the Bakehouse and a quick tempo was the rule of the day as we headed into a stiff headwind from the south once on 446. We picked up Pilling and Feigenbaum at Knightridge and rode 2 by two, in a disciplined paceline. All was copacetic save for an encounter with a squirrel (the rodent variety) on 446. The squirrel was the loser in the altercation with the pack. Predictably, ranks began to form leading into the base of the causeway. Rose, Thompson, Stanley, Golaz (DRT), Ibold (Joes), Allen, Hays (unattached) and me (barely), made the selection. Just seconds behind were Feigenbaum, Pilling, Koren and Brett (Alpha Pi). At the first flashers, me, Ibold, Allen and Stanley let the strongmen go to the next intersection while we turned and joined the chasers just behind. We rode hard, and steady back to Moores Pike, all benefiting from the shelter of the team and the following wind. I heard many positive comments on the quality of the ride and the elevation of fitness in each rider.
A team truly is more than just the sum of all participants. When we’re riding together as a disciplined unit, success will never be far behind, as proven at this weekend’s outing!